Our team includes all the relevant skillsets, from chemical engineering to software programming, from mechanical engineering to chemistry and we have experience in applying these skills across a wide range of areas:
Automation and Robotics
Intelligent Vision Systems
Bespoke Engineering
Components and fittings
Controlled temperature and high pressure applications
Systems integration
Advanced reactor technologies
Construction with metal, glass and functional polymers
Filtration and Washing
Liquid-liquid extraction
Batch and Continuous Chemistry
High Throughput Chemistry
Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Catalysis
Check valves
Corrosion testing
Added to this, we have all the skills required for the training and ongoing support you may need for your project, as well as the experience to meet the logistical challenges of worldwide shipping and delivery.
"One of CRD's great strengths is their ability provide turn-key real engineering solutions for processes that involve gas, liquid or multiphase flow at high pressures, temperatures and hostile environments."
Professor Malcolm Mackley from the Department of Chemical Engineering and
Biotechnology University of Cambridge