What is the temperature range for the Polar Bear Plus?
-40°C to +150°C
Is the accessories list common to all of the instruments, the Cub and the Plus?
What temperature gradient is achievable with 2 ML standard HPLC vials (25°C to -40°C)?
About 1 °C/min. A graphic is shown in the Performance Section of the Polar Bear Microsite
What is temp gradient with 100 mL RBF (25°C to 0°C)?
55 minutes (i.e. 1°C/minute)
What is fastest and slowest gradients achievable?
This partly depends on the range. Typically 1°C/min and 0.01°C/min respectively
What are the fastest temperature Ramps?
With 4 x 4mL vials. 20°C to 80°C in 5 minutes = 12°C/minute
Holding Polar Bear Plus at -40°C, A temperature crash of about 6°C/min is achievable -
What is slowest temp Ramp?
Temperature ramp of 0.01°C /minute
For how long will the Polar Bear hold vials at a given temperature?
Indefinitely or until the set point temperature is changed
What happens if the Polar Bear exceeds -40°C or +150°C?
The cooling device will not cool beyond -40°C. The heater temperature is limited to an upper limit of 170°C.
Can liquid penetrate electronics?
Unlikely. The top plate is sealed to prevent liquid access.
What is the external temperature sensor?
The external temperature sensor is a PT100 resistance thermometer.
What size do I need?
You need one 50mm long when working with our vial holders. 300mm long when working with RBFs.
Is a PT100 thermocouple supplied with a Polar Bear?
Can I have both magnetic and Overhead mechanical stirring?
Each unit may be configured for either overhead or magnetic stirring. However, with the addition of the compatible Smart controller both magnetic and overhead stirring can be achieved from a single Polar Bear Plus.
Can I operate the Polar Bear remotely?
Connect to the Polar Bear Plus using the Ethernet connection or through your Local Area Network. -
What software do I need?
You need Eurotherm's Itools Software which can be downloaded free of charge from the internet.
Will computer operate under Window 7, 8 or 10?
How do I look after my Polar Bear?
We offer a one year warranty as standard and an extended warranty for the lifetime of the product. We recommend an annual maintenance after the first year.